E-mail advertising is claimed to be very effective for vial marketing purposes – that is, buzz generation. This is accomplished by requesting an e-mail recipient to forward the message to a friend.

Present your views on the effectiveness of the e-mail viral marketing practice. In other words, explain what makes e-mail buzz generation effective or not.

Please post YOUR ideas on this topic, and someone here will be able to comment on your thinking.



Email viral marketing can be a highly effective strategy for buzz generation if implemented correctly. The success of this practice depends on several factors that contribute to its effectiveness.

1. Compelling Content: The key to email viral marketing is to create compelling and shareable content. When recipients receive an interesting or entertaining message, they are more likely to forward it to their friends and colleagues. The content should be memorable, relevant, and capable of sparking a reaction or interest among the recipients.

2. Incentives for Forwarding: Providing incentives can greatly enhance the effectiveness of email viral marketing. By offering rewards, discounts, or exclusive content for forwarding the email to others, recipients are motivated to share the message with their network. Incentives create a sense of value and encourage recipients to take action.

3. Ease of Sharing: To maximize the potential of email buzz generation, it is crucial to make the process of sharing as easy as possible. Including social sharing buttons or a "forward to a friend" button in the email allows recipients to quickly and effortlessly forward the message to their contacts. The easier it is to share, the more likely recipients are to forward the email.

4. Targeted Audience: The effectiveness of email viral marketing heavily relies on targeting the right audience. Sending the email to a relevant and engaged audience increases the chances of it being shared. By segmenting your email list based on demographics, interests, or previous interactions, you can ensure that the content reaches the most suitable recipients, increasing the likelihood of buzz generation.

5. Measurement and Tracking: To evaluate the effectiveness of email viral marketing, it is important to measure and track the campaign's performance. By monitoring metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and shares, you can gain insights into how well the campaign is resonating with recipients and adjust the strategy accordingly. This way, you can continuously optimize your approach and maximize the buzz generation potential.

While email viral marketing has great potential for buzz generation, it is important to remember that its effectiveness may vary depending on factors such as the nature of the content, the target audience, and the ability to incentivize recipients. By creating compelling content, making it easy to share, targeting the right audience, and tracking performance, you can increase the chances of success and harness the power of email buzz generation.