I need help balancing this equation.

NaOH + HSO4 ====== Na2SO4 + H20



(Na)HSO4 + NaOH —> Na2SO4 + H2O. I was told (Na) already exists somehow because there can't be HSO4 without already having gone through a process.

To balance the equation NaOH + HSO4 → Na2SO4 + H2O, we need to make sure that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation.

1. Start by counting the number of atoms on each side:
NaOH + HSO4 → Na2SO4 + H2O
Na: 2 (on the right) vs 1 (on the left)
H: 2 (on the right) vs 1 (on the left)
O: 5 (on the right) vs 1 (on the left)
S: 1 (on the right) vs 1 (on the left)

2. Begin balancing the elements that have an unequal number of atoms. In this case, Sodium (Na) and Hydrogen (H) fall into this category.

To balance Sodium (Na), we need to put a coefficient of 2 in front of NaOH and Na2SO4:
2NaOH + HSO4 → Na2SO4 + H2O

Now, the sodium atoms are balanced:
Na: 2 (on the right) vs 2 (on the left)

For Hydrogen (H), we need to put a coefficient of 2 in front of water (H2O):
2NaOH + HSO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O

Now, the hydrogen atoms are also balanced:
H: 4 (on the right) vs 2 (on the left)

3. Lastly, look at the number of Oxygen (O) and Sulfur (S) atoms.
On the left side, there are 7 oxygen atoms (3 from NaOH and 4 from HSO4). To balance this, we need to put a coefficient of 7/2 in front of Na2SO4:
2NaOH + HSO4 → (7/2)Na2SO4 + 2H2O

Now, the oxygen atoms are balanced:
O: 7 (on the right) vs 7 (on the left)

The sulfur atom is already balanced:
S: 1 (on the right) vs 1 (on the left)

Therefore, the balanced equation is:
2NaOH + HSO4 → (7/2)Na2SO4 + 2H2O

Bob has balanced what I suspect is an incorrect equation incorrectly. Check it out.

4 Na on left and right. OK.
2 S on left and right. OK.
12 O on left but 10 on right. not ok.
6 H on left and 4 on right. not ok.

I think you (Amanda) must have made a typo in the problem. Are you sure that isn't H2SO4 instead of HSO4?
2NaOH + H2SO4 ==> Na2SO4 + 2H2O.

2 Na on left and right. OK.
1 S on left and right. OK.
6 O on left and right. OK.
4 H on left and right. OK.
All done.