could you put these in order of polarity please: fluorenone, fluorenol and fluorene. Thanks

In general OH groups are more polar than ketones which are more polar than non-substituted rings.

Fluorene is a fused system of three rings. Fluorenol has an OH attached to the middle 5 carbon ring. Fluorenone is a ketone at the same position as the OH group in the -ol.
Go to and search on each of these to see the formulas. I can't draw them on these boards.

To determine the order of polarity for the compounds fluorenone, fluorenol, and fluorene, we need to consider the presence of polar functional groups and the overall molecular structure.

1. Fluorene: Fluorene is a hydrocarbon compound that consists of two fused benzene rings. It does not have any functional groups that introduce polarity. It is considered nonpolar.

2. Fluorenol: Fluorenol is an alcohol compound derived from fluorene by replacing one of the hydrogen atoms on the benzene ring with a hydroxyl group (OH). The presence of the polar hydroxyl group makes fluorenol more polar than fluorene.

3. Fluorenone: Fluorenone is a ketone compound derived from fluorene by replacing one of the hydrogen atoms on the benzene ring with an oxygen atom. The presence of the highly polar carbonyl group (C=O) makes fluorenone the most polar among the three compounds.

Therefore, the order of polarity, from least to most polar, is: fluorene < fluorenol < fluorenone.