1. Which of the following justifications was not one of the proslavery arguments?

a. Slavery offered a secure and certain life for slaves.
b. Slavery involved only a very small number of slaves.
c. Slavery assured an adequate labor supply for planters.
d. Slavery influenced the lives of slaves in positive ways.

2. The women's rights movement during the 1820s and 1830s worked to secure a role for women in all of the following areas except

a. sports.
b. the professions.
c. public affairs.
d. education.

3. What effect did the new means of transportation have on the eastern and western regions of the United States in the 1800s?

a. They had very little effect on either region of the nation during the 1800s.
b. They restricted the growth of western cities but stimulated eastern industries.
c. They stimulated the growth of western cities but restricted eastern industries.
d. They stimulated the growth of eastern industries and western cities.

4. In what fundamental way were the South and North economically different?

a. The North was primarily agricultural, and the South was industrial.
b. The two sections of the nation were equally industrial and agricultural.
c. The South was diversified agriculturally, but the North was not as diversified.
d. The South was primarily agricultural, and the North was industrial.

5. What was the basic difference between southern slaves and northern white workers?

a. Southern slaves made a bit more money than northern white workers.
b. Northern white workers were free people, but slaves were property.
c. Southern slaves were free to quit their jobs, unlike northern while workers.
d. Northern white workers enjoyed far better living conditions than southern slaves.

6. Which of the following explains why the study of slavery is difficult for historians?

a. Slaves left few firsthand accounts because they were forbidden to read and write.
b. Most slaves could read, but the majority of slaves could not write.
c. Actually, the study of slavery has been made quite simple for historians.
d. For the most part, slaves did not want to read or write.

7. In which area did women score their earliest victory toward equal rights with men?

a. politics
b. employment
c. education
d. legal rights

8.From 1815 to 1860, what was the value of cotton in terms of the entire nation's exports?

a. one quarter
b. one third
c. over one half
d. ninety percent

9. How did Missouri's application for admission into the Union in 1819 threaten to create a crisis?

a. It would force the new state of Missouri to be a slave-free state.
b. It would balance the political power of the North and South in the Senate.
c. It would upset the balance of power in the Senate in favor of the proslavery South.
d. It would upset the balance of power in the Senate in favor of the antislavery North.

10. Germans, the second largest group of immigrants to America, primarily settled in the

a. West.
b. Middle West.
c. South.
d. Northeast.

Please see my reply to Evan above.

1. To determine which of the following justifications was not one of the proslavery arguments, we need to evaluate each option and eliminate the one that does not align with proslavery beliefs.

a. Slavery offered a secure and certain life for slaves. - This is a proslavery argument as it suggests that slavery provided stability and security for slaves.
b. Slavery involved only a very small number of slaves. - This is not a proslavery argument. Proslavery proponents typically argued that slavery was necessary for the economic success of the South, which would require a significant number of slaves.
c. Slavery assured an adequate labor supply for planters. - This is a proslavery argument as it highlights the need for slaves to meet the labor demands of plantation owners.
d. Slavery influenced the lives of slaves in positive ways. - This is a proslavery argument as it suggests that slavery had positive effects on the lives of slaves.

Therefore, the answer is:

b. Slavery involved only a very small number of slaves.

2. To identify which area the women's rights movement during the 1820s and 1830s did not work to secure a role for women in, we need to evaluate each option.

a. sports.
b. the professions.
c. public affairs.
d. education.

To answer this question, we need to find the option that does not align with the goals of the women's rights movement. The movement aimed to secure equal rights and opportunities for women in various aspects of society.

a. sports - The women's rights movement did advocate for women's participation in sports as a means to challenge gender stereotypes and promote equality.
b. the professions - The movement sought to advance women's access to professional careers, advocating for equal opportunities and fair treatment.
c. public affairs - The movement aimed to secure women's involvement in public affairs, including political engagement and decision-making.
d. education - The women's rights movement fought for women's access to education, aiming to eliminate gender-based restrictions or limitations.

Therefore, the answer is:

a. sports.

3. To determine the effect of the new means of transportation on the eastern and western regions of the United States in the 1800s, we need to evaluate each option.

a. They had very little effect on either region of the nation during the 1800s.
b. They restricted the growth of western cities but stimulated eastern industries.
c. They stimulated the growth of western cities but restricted eastern industries.
d. They stimulated the growth of eastern industries and western cities.

To answer this question, we need to identify the option that accurately describes the effect of new transportation on both regions.

a. They had very little effect on either region of the nation during the 1800s. - This option is unlikely as the development of canals, railroads, and other transportation improvements had a significant impact on the nation.
b. They restricted the growth of western cities but stimulated eastern industries. - This option suggests a negative impact on western cities, which is inaccurate. The new means of transportation facilitated the growth of western cities.
c. They stimulated the growth of western cities but restricted eastern industries. - This option highlights the positive impact on western cities and suggests a negative impact on eastern industries. However, the transportation improvements also led to the growth and expansion of eastern industries, making this option inaccurate.
d. They stimulated the growth of eastern industries and western cities. - This option accurately describes the effect of new transportation on both regions. The improved transportation systems facilitated economic growth, trade, and urbanization in both the eastern and western regions of the United States.

Therefore, the answer is:

d. They stimulated the growth of eastern industries and western cities.

Please let me know if you would like help with the remaining questions.