Susie designed an excersise program for herself. One part of the program requires her to walk between 25 to 30 miles each week. She plans to walk the same distance each day five days a week. What is the range of miles that she should walk each day?

Write and solve a compound inequality that represents the situation and graph the soulution.

I'm not sure but maybe the inequality is 25</x</30. Is this right?

Are the possible values 5 and 6?

25<5x<30, where is x is the number of miles she should walk each day

Divide all three parts by 5 to get:


She should walk between 5 and 6 miles each day.

5x, not just x

well, five miles a day for five days is indeed 25

and six miles a day for five days is indeed 30
When you finish any of these, you can always check them that way.



divide out by 5 so you can get the x by itself then you should come out with


To determine the range of miles that Susie should walk each day, we can divide the total distance (between 25 to 30 miles) by the number of days she plans to walk (5 days in a week).

First, let's find the average distance she should walk each day:
Average Distance = Total Distance / Number of Days
Average Distance = (25 + 30) / 2 = 55 / 2 = 27.5 miles

Since Susie plans to walk the same distance each day, we can consider this as her target distance. Therefore, the range of miles that she should walk each day is 27.5 miles.

Now, let's write a compound inequality to represent the situation:
x represents the number of miles Susie should walk each day.

25 ≤ x ≤ 30

This compound inequality states that the number of miles Susie should walk each day (x) must be greater than or equal to 25 and less than or equal to 30.

Now, let's graph this compound inequality on a number line:

25 30
Here, we have a closed circle at 25 (to represent greater than or equal to) and a closed circle at 30 (to represent less than or equal to). The line between them indicates all possible values within the range.

Therefore, Susie should walk between 25 to 30 miles each day to meet the requirements of her exercise program.