a labor union is an organization of workers who

a. hold exactly the same political beliefs
b. represent the interests of the business community
c. work in the same job or industry
d. work on farms.

i think its b

I think they want you to say c.

Generally it is the management, not the laborers, who claim to represent the interests of the business community.
This homework of yours seems to have some of its own built in bias.

A Labor Union represents the working members of a particular industry. For instance the "Screen Writers Guild" is a labor union representing the writers, not the owners of the movie companies. So C would be the better answer

Actually, the correct answer is c. A labor union is an organization of workers who work in the same job or industry.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options a, b, and d by understanding the definitions of those terms:

a. Holding exactly the same political beliefs is not a requirement for being part of a labor union. While unions may advocate for certain political causes or support specific candidates, it is not a defining characteristic that all members must share the exact same beliefs.

b. Representing the interests of the business community is not what labor unions do. Labor unions are primarily focused on representing and advocating for the interests of the workers, such as negotiating better pay, working conditions, and benefits.

d. Working on farms is not a specific requirement for being part of a labor union. While some unions may include agricultural workers, the scope of labor unions is much broader and includes workers from various industries and occupations.

Therefore, the most accurate answer is c, as labor unions typically consist of workers who work in the same job or industry and come together to protect and advocate for their collective rights and interests.