How are Hispanic people able to maintain a strong cultural identity in the United States?


Hispanic people, like all other immigrants, retain their cultural identity for one or two generations. They speak the same language, practice the same religion, eat the same foods, celebrate holidays in the same way, and follow the same cultural mores as their ancestors.

However, most immigrants are pretty well assimilated into the dominant culture by the second and certainly the third generations. We all keep a few of our family's customs, but these are fewer for each subsequent generation.


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. For any Hispanic, the family is of primary importance.


To understand how Hispanic people are able to maintain a strong cultural identity in the United States, it is important to acknowledge the factors that contribute to this phenomenon. Here are a few key explanations:

1. Migration and transnational ties: Many Hispanic people in the United States have migrated from various Latin American countries, bringing with them their cultural traditions, language, and values. These immigrants often maintain strong ties to their home countries, through regular visits, communication with extended family, and participation in cultural events and celebrations. This helps to preserve and transmit their cultural identity across generations.

2. Ethnic neighborhoods and communities: In many cities across the United States, there are vibrant Hispanic communities where individuals can find support, socialize, and engage in cultural activities. These communities create a sense of belonging and offer opportunities for individuals to practice their cultural traditions, speak their native language, and connect with others who share their heritage.

3. Language preservation: Language is a significant part of any culture, and many Hispanic individuals and families in the United States make a concerted effort to maintain their native language, commonly Spanish. This is often achieved through home conversations, bilingual education programs, community language resources, and media outlets that cater to Spanish-speaking audiences.

4. Cultural practices and traditions: Hispanic people in the United States actively participate in traditional ceremonies, religious events, festivals, and social activities that are deeply rooted in their cultural heritage. These practices help to preserve and pass on customs, values, and beliefs that contribute to a strong cultural identity.

5. Media and digital resources: With advances in technology and the widespread availability of media platforms, Hispanic people in the United States can access a variety of media outlets that cater to their cultural interests and needs. This includes television networks, radio stations, websites, and social media platforms that provide content in Spanish or specifically tailored for the Hispanic community.

Overall, the ability of Hispanic people to maintain a strong cultural identity in the United States stems from a combination of factors – including migration patterns, community support, language preservation, cultural practices, and media resources – that help them stay connected to their heritage and pass it down to future generations.