between j.p. morgan, john d. rockefeller, cornelius vanderbilt, and andrew carnegie, who's business is a example of horizontal integration

Check this site, and then Google those four men to see which one fits the description.

To determine which business is an example of horizontal integration among J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and Andrew Carnegie, we need to understand what horizontal integration means.

Horizontal integration refers to the process of a company acquiring or merging with businesses operating in the same industry or at the same level of production. It aims to consolidate market share, eliminate competition, and gain economies of scale.

Among the mentioned individuals, the business example of horizontal integration is John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company. Rockefeller's Standard Oil engaged in horizontal integration by acquiring numerous oil refineries and competitors to dominate the oil industry in the late 19th century. By doing so, Standard Oil controlled a significant portion of the oil production, distribution, and marketing, effectively monopolizing the industry.

To know this, I relied on my knowledge of historical events and business activities. There are various sources like books, articles, and historical records available that provide information on the business activities of these individuals, which can further deepen your understanding of their business strategies and achievements.