Evaluate the expression

(40/2+i) + (35/2-i). What steps do I take in order to find this answer?

Are the 2+i and 2-1 in the denominators? If so, you should put parentheses around them to avaoid confusion.

Assuming that is what you meant: Multiply the numerator AND denominator of the first term by 2-i and of the second term by 2+i. This will not change the value of either term, but will give you a common real denominator.

[40(2-i) + 35(2+i)]/(2^2 - i^2)
= (150 -5i)/5
= 30 - i

To evaluate the expression (40/2+i) + (35/2-i), follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify each fraction individually:
40/2 = 20
35/2 = 17.5

Step 2: Combine the real numbers (the numbers without "i"):
20 + 17.5 = 37.5

Step 3: Combine the imaginary numbers (the numbers with "i"):
i - i = 0 (since adding a number and its negative counterpart results in zero)

Step 4: Put the real and imaginary parts back together:
37.5 + 0 = 37.5

Therefore, the value of the expression (40/2+i) + (35/2-i) is 37.5.