These letters and numbers have taken us far.

It's not a long journey.
It's really quite terse.
Can you solve the riddle
of the japanese curse?
41 2d 4b 48 41 20 44 49 42 45 48 20 54 4b 49 4e 20 54 53 41 48 2d 41 53 2d 5a 49 48 20 54 4c 4f 2d 43 48 49 4e

There's a specific place for riddles on Jiskha's website -- at the foot of the main page.

Please post riddles there.


To solve this riddle, we need to decode the given letters and numbers. It appears to be a hexadecimal code, as it consists of the digits 0-9 and the letters A-F.

To decode hexadecimal, we need to convert each pair of characters into their corresponding ASCII values. We can use an online tool or a programming language like Python to perform this conversion. Let's use Python to decode the given code:

code = "41 2d 4b 48 41 20 44 49 42 45 48 20 54 4b 49 4e 20 54 53 41 48 2d 41 53 2d 5a 49 48 20 54 4c 4f 2d 43 48 49 4e"

# Split the code into individual values
hex_values = code.split()

# Convert hexadecimal to ASCII
decoded_message = ""
for hex_value in hex_values:
decoded_message += chr(int(hex_value, 16))

# Print the decoded message

Running this Python code will give us the decoded message:


The message seems to be a sequence of words. However, it appears to be in a specific format or contains some kind of pattern. It might be a clue that requires further investigation.