What is the product of 7/16, 4/3 and 1/2?

7/16 * 4/3 * 1/2

First, multiply the numerators:
7 * 4 * 1 = 28

Next, multiply the denominators:
16 * 3 * 2 = 96

28/96 = 14/48 = 7/12

Thank you for breaking this down for me!!

You're welcome.

To find the product of fractions, you need to multiply their numerators (the numbers on top) and their denominators (the numbers on the bottom). The product is written as a new fraction, where the product of the numerators becomes the new numerator, and the product of the denominators becomes the new denominator.

In this case, the given fractions are 7/16, 4/3, and 1/2. To find the product, you multiply their numerators and denominators:

7 × 4 × 1 = 28

16 × 3 × 2 = 96

Therefore, the product of the fractions 7/16, 4/3, and 1/2 is 28/96.