All of the following are weak acids except


Okay I got it...after looking it up I think I need to review acids and bases...

I assume the answer is H2SO4; however, you should be aware that only the FIRST H is a strong acid, the second H is weak (a strong weak but it is not 100% ionized).

I'm confused with this question posted by Lauren.

I thought that :

were strong acids... but I was just taught to memorize a table of strong acids and bases and that the rest were all weak.

H2SO4, HClO4, HNO3, HCl, HBr, HI are the common acids. But there are a few others.

okay Dr.Bob

To determine which of the following compounds is not a weak acid, we need to understand the concept of weak acids and their properties.

A weak acid is an acid that partially dissociates into ions when dissolved in water. In other words, it produces fewer hydrogen ions (H+) compared to strong acids, which completely dissociate into ions. Weak acids have a weak tendency to donate protons (H+) to water molecules.

Now, let's evaluate each compound:

1. HF: Hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid. It partially ionizes in water to form H+ and F- ions.

2. H3PO4: Phosphoric acid is a weak acid. It partially dissociates into H+ and PO43- ions.

3. H2SO4: Sulfuric acid is not a weak acid. It is a strong acid that fully ionizes into H+ and SO42- ions.

4. HNO2: Nitrous acid is a weak acid. It partially forms H+ and NO2- ions.

5. HC2H3O2: Acetic acid is a weak acid. It partially dissociates into H+ and C2H3O2- ions.

Therefore, the compound that is not a weak acid from the given options is H2SO4 (sulfuric acid).