To which council was she appointed by then- President Jimmy Carter?

Thank you.

To find out to which council she was appointed by then-President Jimmy Carter, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the person in question mentioned in your query. Since you didn't provide a specific name or context, I can't give you a direct answer. Please provide the name of the person you are referring to.

2. Once we have the name, we can research the individual's background and involvement during Jimmy Carter's presidency. This can be done by looking up their biography, public service records, or relevant news articles from that period.

3. Look for any mention of the council to which the individual was appointed by President Carter. Potential sources of information include their official biography, news articles, interviews, or even policy documents from that time.

4. Cross-reference the gathered information to confirm the council to which the person was appointed. It is crucial to rely on reliable sources and multiple references to ensure accuracy.

By following these steps and conducting appropriate research, we should be able to determine to which council the person in question was appointed by President Jimmy Carter.