can you give me words for theses greek roots:


ok now i only need:


o got the others because my 9 year old sister helped me

Yes, certainly! Here are the words derived from the Greek roots you provided:

1. astro(a)-:
- Astronomy
- Astrology
- Astronaut

To find words related to the Greek root "astro(a)-," you can search for words that pertain to celestial objects, celestial bodies, or the study of the universe.

2. hydro(a)-:
- Hydrophobic
- Hydropower
- Hydroelectric

To find words related to the Greek root "hydro(a)-," you can search for words that relate to water, liquids, or water-related activities.

3. hyper-:
- Hyperactive
- Hyperbole
- Hypertension

To find words related to the Greek root "hyper-," you can search for words that denote excessive, above normal, or extreme qualities.

4. hypo-:
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypothermia
- Hypothyroidism

To find words related to the Greek root "hypo-," you can search for words that indicate below normal, deficient, or underactive conditions.

5. path-:
- Pathologist
- Pathology
- Empathy

To find words related to the Greek root "path-," you can search for words that revolve around suffering, disease, or emotion.

6. phobia-:
- Arachnophobia
- Claustrophobia
- Acrophobia

To find words related to the Greek root "phobia-," you can search for words that describe irrational or excessive fear towards specific objects, situations, or concepts.

7. phono-:
- Phonograph
- Telephone
- Microphone

To find words related to the Greek root "phono-," you can search for words associated with sound, voice, or communication.

8. photo-:
- Photograph
- Photosynthesis
- Photogenic

To find words related to the Greek root "photo-," you can search for words pertaining to light, photography, or light-related processes.

9. polis(s),(t)-:
- Metropolis
- Police
- Political

To find words related to the Greek root "polis(s),(t)-," you can search for words associated with cities, governance, or public affairs.

10. soph(o),(y)-:
- Philosophy
- Sophisticated
- Sophomore

To find words related to the Greek root "soph(o),(y)-," you can search for words linked to wisdom, knowledge, or cleverness.

11. syn-:
- Synchronize
- Synonym
- Synthetic

To find words related to the Greek root "syn-," you can search for words that involve cooperation, unity, or similarity.

Remember, you can find additional words and examples by conducting specific searches for each individual root.