how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

The kind of transformation is REFLECTION.

Step-by-step explanation: We are given to find the kind of transformation that is shown in the figure.
Let us draw a line AB exactly between the original and its image as shown in the attached figure.
If the line AB acts as a mirror, then we see that the original image is reflected to form the image.
Therefore, the transformation shown in the figure is REFLECTION across the line AB.

In case you haven't found this already, try

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or do your own experiment.
The answer will depend upon who does the "licking".

To determine how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, it is challenging to provide an exact answer since it can vary depending on factors such as the size of the licks and the technique used. However, there is a classic commercial from 1970 that suggests it takes approximately three licks to reach the center.

If you want to find a more accurate answer, you can perform a little experiment. Here's how you could do it:

1. Get a Tootsie Pop and ensure you have a stopwatch or a timer ready.
2. Start licking the Tootsie Pop at a consistent pace and with consistent pressure.
3. Count the number of licks it takes for you to reach the center. You can use a tally sheet or keep the count verbally.
4. Once you reach the center, note down the number of licks.
5. Repeat the experiment several times to get an average number of licks.
6. Calculate the average by summing up the total number of licks and dividing it by the number of repetitions.

By repeating this process multiple times, you can obtain a rough estimate of the average number of licks it takes for you to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop based on your own licking technique.