6.5% of what number is 325?


Change 6.5% to the decimal 0.065.

Divide 325 by 0.065 to get your answer. If you post it, we'll be glad to check it.

To find the number that corresponds to 6.5% of another number, we can use the following formula:

(Number) * (Percentage/100) = Result

Let's apply this formula to the given problem:

Let's assume the number we are looking for is x.
Thus, the equation becomes:
x * 6.5/100 = 325

To find x, we need to solve this equation.
First, let's simplify the equation by multiplying both sides by 100 to get rid of the fraction:

100 (x * 6.5/100) = 100 * 325

This simplifies to:

6.5x = 32500

Now, we divide both sides of the equation by 6.5 to isolate x:

6.5x / 6.5 = 32500 / 6.5

This simplifies to:

x = 5000

Therefore, 6.5% of 5000 is equal to 325.