wich is bigger 3/5 or 9/100

First, let's get a common denominator.

3/5 = 60/100

Which is larger 60/100 or 9/100?

In other words, would you rather have 60 cents ($0.60) or 9 cents ($0.09)?


To determine which fraction is bigger between 3/5 and 9/100, we can convert both fractions to have a common denominator. In this case, we can use 100 as the common denominator since it is a multiple of both 5 and 100.

To convert 3/5 to a fraction with a denominator of 100, we need to multiply the numerator and denominator by 20.

3/5 * 20/20 = 60/100

Now we can compare 60/100 and 9/100.

Since the denominator is the same, we only need to compare the numerators.

60/100 is larger than 9/100 because 60 is greater than 9.

Therefore, 3/5 is bigger than 9/100.