Choose the sentence that has a subject complement.

1) The nurse felt my pulse.
2) I felt much better.
3) The day ended with many surprises.
4) We can't leave without seeing her.

This one I have a problem with. I think it is #2 - I felt much better. I think all of them have a complete thought?

Yes, #2 is correct.


You are correct that all of the given sentences have a complete thought. However, a subject complement specifically refers to a word or phrase that provides further information about the subject of the sentence.

In sentence 1, "my pulse" is the direct object of the verb "felt," not the subject complement.

In sentence 2, "much better" does function as a subject complement. The subject "I" is being described or characterized by the complement "much better."

In sentence 3, "with many surprises" is a prepositional phrase that acts as an adverbial phrase modifying the verb "ended." It does not function as a subject complement.

In sentence 4, "without seeing her" is also a prepositional phrase functioning as an adverbial phrase modifying "can't leave." It is not a subject complement.

Therefore, the correct answer is indeed sentence 2 - "I felt much better."