please check my answer thanks :)

Mediation has which type of characteistic ?

A. THe court controls
B. The parites remain in control
C. THe mediator decides whi is right

I said B

I think you're right.

I agree. This site explains a mediator's role.

To check your answer, let's examine the options and determine which one aligns with the characteristic of mediation.

A. The court controls: This option suggests that the court has control over the mediation process. However, mediation is meant to be an alternative to court proceedings, where the parties themselves work toward a resolution, rather than relying on the court's decision. Therefore, this option is unlikely.

B. The parties remain in control: This option states that the parties involved in the mediation process retain control. This aligns with the essential principle of mediation, where the mediator facilitates discussions between the parties, allowing them to actively participate in finding a solution. This option seems to be the correct characteristic for mediation.

C. The mediator decides who is right: This option suggests that the mediator has the authority to make a final decision regarding which party is right. However, mediation is a voluntary process that focuses on helping parties reach a mutually acceptable solution through facilitated communication. The mediator does not typically have the power to impose a decision.

Based on the above analysis, it appears that your answer of "B. The parties remain in control" is correct for the characteristic of mediation. Well done!