cos(3π/4+x) + sin (3π/4 -x) = 0

= cos(3π/4)cosx + sin(3π/4)sinx + sin(3π/4)cosx - cos(3π/4)sinx
= -1/sqrt2cosx + 1/sqrt2sinx + 1/sqrt2cosx - (-1/sqrt2sinx)
I canceled out -1/sqrt2cosx and 1/sqrt2cosx
Now I have
1/sqrt sinx + 1/sqrt2 sinx

And that doesn't equal 0. So where did I go wrong?

Also cos(x+y)cosy + sin(x+y)siny = cosx
I ended up with
(cosxcosy) + sinxsinycosy + (sinxcosy) + cosxsin^2y

I don't know what to do next.

Try your sum and difference identities again. I don't believe you've expanded them correctly.

cos(x + y) = cosx * cosy - sinx * siny
cos(x - y) = cosx * cosy + sinx * siny

sin(x + y) = sinx * cosy + cosx * siny
sin(x - y) = sinx * cosy - cosx * siny


To solve the equation cos(3π/4+x) + sin (3π/4 -x) = 0, let's go step by step.

Starting from where you left off:
= -1/sqrt2cosx + 1/sqrt2sinx + 1/sqrt2cosx - (-1/sqrt2sinx)

When adding the last two terms, you made a mistake in the sign. It should be:
= -1/sqrt2cosx + 1/sqrt2sinx + 1/sqrt2cosx + 1/sqrt2sinx

= (-1/sqrt2cosx + 1/sqrt2cosx) + (1/sqrt2sinx + 1/sqrt2sinx)

= 0 + 2/sqrt2sinx

= 2/sqrt2sinx

Now, we have 2/sqrt2sinx, which is not equal to 0. Therefore, the equation cos(3π/4+x) + sin (3π/4 -x) = 0 does not have a solution.

Moving on to the other equation cos(x+y)cosy + sin(x+y)siny = cosx:

(cosxcosy) + sinxsinycosy + (sinxcosy) + cosxsin^2y

To simplify further, we can group the terms with cosine and sine as follows:
= (cosxcosy + sinxcosy) + (sinxsinycosy + cosxsin^2y)

= cos(x+y)cosy + sin(x+y)cosy + sinxsinycosy + cosxsin^2y

Now, let's focus on the terms with cosine:

= cos(x+y)cosy + sin(x+y)cosy

Using the identity cos(x+y) = cosxcosy - sinxsiny, we can rewrite the equation as:

= (cosxcosy - sinxsiny)cosy + sin(x+y)cosy

= cosxcos^2y - sinxsinycosy + sin(x+y)cosy

This is the simplified form of the equation. There is no need to perform any further simplifications.

I hope this helps clarify your questions! Let me know if you have any further doubts.

In your first equation, you correctly applied the sum of angles formula to expand cos(3π/4 + x) and sin(3π/4 - x). However, there seems to be a mistake in your calculation.

Let's go over the expansion step by step:

cos(3π/4 + x) + sin(3π/4 - x) = (cos(3π/4)cos(x) - sin(3π/4)sin(x)) + (sin(3π/4)cos(x) - cos(3π/4)sin(x))

Now let's simplify each term separately:

= - (1/√2)cos(x) - (1/√2)sin(x) + (1/√2)cos(x) - (1/√2)sin(x)

= -(2/√2)sin(x)

= -√2sin(x)

So the correct simplified expression is -√2sin(x), not 1/√2sin(x).

Regarding your second equation, we have:

cos(x+y)cos(y) + sin(x+y)sin(y) = cos(x)

To simplify this expression, we can again apply the sum of angles formula to the left side:

(cos(x)cos(y) - sin(x)sin(y))cos(y) + (sin(x)cos(y) + cos(x)sin(y))sin(y) = cos(x)

Expanding further:

cos(x)cos^2(y) - sin(x)sin(y)cos(y) + sin(x)cos(y)sin(y) + cos(x)sin^2(y) = cos(x)

Now, let's group the similar terms together:

cos(x)(cos^2(y) + sin^2(y)) + sin(x)(sin(y)cos(y) + sin(y)cos(y)) = cos(x)

Using the trigonometric identity cos^2(y) + sin^2(y) = 1:

cos(x)(1) + sin(x)(sin(y)cos(y) + sin(y)cos(y)) = cos(x)

Simplifying further:

cos(x) + 2sin(x)sin(y)cos(y) = cos(x)

At this point, we have obtained an equation involving cos(x), sin(x), sin(y), and cos(y). And if you want to further simplify it or solve for a specific variable, you may need additional information or the context in which this equation arises.