I have a myth project assigned. I got lucky (or so I thought) and had the myth of Polyphemus. Wikipedia has it if anyone doesnt know it.

There are three things that I need for my project:
1) The moral of the story.
2) How the story explains natural phenomenon.
3) How the myth shows social order.

I was thinking that the myth shows social order by showing that Polyphemus is a sheep herder, and is not very sophisticated. Also, Odyssious felt that it was okay to show up in someones house and eat their food while they were gone. (that last thing might be relationships?)
But, I need the other two things... I didn't know that this could be so hard...

Please help! Thanks

Well, one moral I can think of is "Don't let yourself get drunk!" Polyphemus was pretty much in control until he became drunk with the very strong wine Odysseus was giving him.

Natural phemomenon? Could it be a way to explain how huge boulders end up falling into the sea, almost destroying Odysseus's ship? This type of natural occurrence is most likely the result of earthquake activity (and there's lots of it in that part of the world), but a story like this might have been more understandable to the everyday Greek person at that time.

Social order -- hmmm. Yes, Polyphemus was a sheepherder, and he controlled his sheep. But Odysseus was his men's lord, and he controlled their lives in pretty much the same way. Who was the stronger, in the long run? Would you say that Odysseus and his men were higher in the social order than Polyphemus (and the other Cyclopes)?


Sure! I can definitely help you with your myth project on the myth of Polyphemus. Let's break down the three things you need for your project:

1) The moral of the story:
To determine the moral of the story, it's important to analyze the actions and consequences within the myth. In the myth of Polyphemus, one possible moral is the importance of respect and empathy towards others. The story portrays the consequences of Odysseus and his men trespassing into Polyphemus' cave, stealing his food, and blinding him. This lack of respect ultimately leads to retribution from Polyphemus and poses challenges for the rest of Odysseus' journey back home. Therefore, a possible moral of the story could be that disrespecting others can have serious consequences.

2) How the story explains natural phenomena:
The myth of Polyphemus doesn't directly explain natural phenomena like some other myths do. However, it is a part of a larger mythological context, as it comes from Homer's Odyssey. The Odyssey, being an epic poem, is filled with various mythological elements and creatures that represent different aspects of the natural world. Polyphemus himself is a Cyclops, a giant creature that is typically associated with volcanic activity. Cyclopses are often depicted as the offspring of the god Hephaestus, who is the god of fire and volcanoes. Therefore, through this association, the myth of Polyphemus indirectly connects to volcanic activity, a natural phenomenon.

3) How the myth shows social order:
You mentioned that the myth shows social order by portraying Polyphemus as a less sophisticated sheep herder, while Odysseus acts as a more cunning and resourceful character. This observation is correct and reflects the distinction between the lower class and a hero figure in ancient Greek society. In ancient Greek culture, there was a clear social hierarchy, and social order was deeply valued. The myth of Polyphemus illustrates the hierarchical divide by showing the primitive lifestyle of Polyphemus, a cyclops who represents the lower class, and the heroic qualities of Odysseus, who represents nobility and resourcefulness. This juxtaposition reinforces the social order by highlighting the difference between the two characters.

Remember, these analyses are just one way to interpret the myth of Polyphemus. Feel free to expand on these ideas and incorporate your own perspectives to create a well-rounded project. Good luck with your assignment!