Every hockey card has front side and a back side. How many possible outcomes are

there if you flip a hockey card on a desk?

What could happen if you flip the hockey card? Give me all the things that could happen.

u get either the front side or the back side

Right. The number of "things that could happen" is the number of possible outcomes.

To determine the number of possible outcomes when flipping a hockey card, we need to consider the number of possible outcomes for each side of the card.

Since a hockey card has a front side and a back side, there are two possible outcomes for each side: either it lands with the front side facing up or with the back side facing up.

When flipping a card, both sides have an equal chance of landing face up. Therefore, the total number of possible outcomes is the product of the number of outcomes for each side. In this case, it is 2 multiplied by 2, which equals 4.

So, there are four possible outcomes when flipping a hockey card: front side up, back side up, front side up, and back side up.