What is the ICD-9 code for acute and chronic tonsillitis?

To find the ICD-9 code for acute and chronic tonsillitis, you would typically use a medical coding resource such as the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). This coding system provides standardized codes for medical diagnoses and procedures.

In this case, the ICD-9 code for acute tonsillitis is 463. The code for chronic tonsillitis is 474.00.

To find these codes, you can follow these steps:

1. Access a reliable ICD-9-CM code book or an online ICD-9 code lookup tool.
2. Look up the term "tonsillitis" in the alphabetic index. The index will direct you to the appropriate code range.
3. Once you find the appropriate range, find the specific code that corresponds to acute or chronic tonsillitis.
4. Take note of the code(s) for future reference.

Please note that the ICD-9-CM code system has been replaced by ICD-10-CM as of October 1, 2015, and it is generally recommended to use the most current version for medical coding purposes.