What is the oxidation states for all three elements in the formula Rb2SO3 ?

Is this correct?-1,+8,-2

+1,+4,-2 is the oxidation numbers for Rb2SO4 in order that the elements are shown in the formula.

The Oxidation number are as follows:

Rb = 1+
S = 6
O= -2
Because Rb2SO4 are a Neutral Compound therefore all the oxidation numbers should equal to 0

No. Rubidium is an alkali metal and its oxidation number is +1. Your oxidation nuber for O is correct. Now figure out what the number must be for S.

what is Rb2SO3?

like the compund name?

rubidium sulphite or rubidium (1) sulphate

What is the oxidation number for Rb2SO4

I want the calculation of the answer