can you please help me put these events in order from latest to earliest?:

-pangea, the supercontinent, begins to divide
-dinosaur extinction
-first crocodiles
-archaeopteryx (early bird)
-first flowering plants
-protozoa (single-celled, microscopic animals)
-first sharks
-first mammals
-first land animals
-first reptiles
-record writeen history
-neanderthal man (1400 cc brain)
-great extinction
-forests of coal plants
-first vertebrates (jawless fish with skeletons made of cartilage)
-first bony fishes
-first amphibians
-jellyfish appear
-tyrannosaurus rex
-modern horse
-first insects
-first dinosaurs
-earliest life (bacteria-like)
-pangea, the supercontinent, forms
-first vascular land plants (plants with roots and stems)
-water appeared on earth's surface
-earth formed

Why don't you order the events as you think they occurred, and then we can critique your thinking. Some should be obvious... bees and grass didn't come until after the earth formed, for example.

i think it's like:

-earth formed
-water appeared on earth's surface
-first vascular land plants (plants with roots and stems)
-pangea forms
-pangea divides
-earliest life (bacteria-like)
- first flowering plants
-forests of coal plants
-first land animals
-first dinosaurs
-tyrannosaurus rex
-first reptiles
-first crocodiles
-first amphibians
-jellyfish appear
-first insects
-first vertebrates
-first sharks
-first bony fish
-dinosaur extinction
-great extinction
-first mammals
-modern horse
-neanderthal man
-record written history

This is hard! I'm sure someone else can help you better than I can, but here's what I see from your timeline...

Pangea was formed 250 MYA (million years ago). It should be much later in your timeline.

Land plants were 475 MYA, so that should also be much later.

Some major events in order: simple cells (4 BYA), photosynthesis (3 BYA), complex cells (2 BYA), multicellular life (1 BYA), simple animals (600 MYA), arthropods (570 MYA), complex animals (550 MYA), fish (500 MYA), land plants (475 MYA), insects and seeds (400 MYA), amphibians (360 MYA), reptiles (300 MYA), mammals (200 MYA), birds (150 MYA), flowers (130 MYA), dinosaurs died (65 MYA).

I hope that is somewhat helpful. I would recommend googling things like "earth timeline," "evolution timeline," and "earth history" (without quotes) to fill in the gaps of your information. I would also strongly recommend DATING (putting a date beside) each event to more easily place the events. Good luck.

To put these events in order from the latest to the earliest, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the events with definite reference points.
2. Group the events into specific time periods based on their references.
3. Arrange the events within each time period based on general geological or biological knowledge.

Let's go through the process step by step:

Group 1 - Modern times:
- Record written history

Group 2 - Extinctions and Evolution:
- Dinosaur extinction
- Neanderthal man (1400 cc brain)
- Great extinction
- Tyrannosaurus rex
- Modern horse

Group 3 - Supercontinents:
- Pangea, the supercontinent, begins to divide
- Pangea, the supercontinent, forms

Group 4 - Prehistoric Life:
- Trilobites
- First crocodiles
- Archaeopteryx (early bird)
- Protozoa (single-celled, microscopic animals)
- First sharks
- First mammals
- First land animals
- First reptiles
- First vertebrates (jawless fish with skeletons made of cartilage)
- First bony fishes
- Bees
- First amphibians
- Jellyfish appear
- First insects
- First dinosaurs
- Earliest life (bacteria-like)

Group 5 - Geological Events:
- Forests of coal plants
- Grass
- First flowering plants
- First vascular land plants (plants with roots and stems)
- Water appeared on Earth's surface
- Earth formed

Now, let's arrange them in order from latest to earliest:

1. Record written history
2. Dinosaur extinction
3. Neanderthal man (1400 cc brain)
4. Great extinction
5. Tyrannosaurus rex
6. Modern horse
7. Pangea, the supercontinent, begins to divide
8. Trilobites
9. First crocodiles
10. Archaeopteryx (early bird)
11. Protozoa (single-celled, microscopic animals)
12. First sharks
13. First mammals
14. First land animals
15. First reptiles
16. First vertebrates (jawless fish with skeletons made of cartilage)
17. First bony fishes
18. Bees
19. First amphibians
20. Jellyfish appear
21. First insects
22. First dinosaurs
23. Earliest life (bacteria-like)
24. Forests of coal plants
25. Grass
26. First flowering plants
27. First vascular land plants (plants with roots and stems)
28. Water appeared on Earth's surface
29. Earth formed

Please note that the ordering can be subjective based on the available scientific knowledge and ongoing research.