does anyone know what the book" the fugitive" is about?

Do you know who the author is? I'm seeing several books by that title.

why you don't you read it?

To find out what the book "The Fugitive" is about, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by searching for the book title on a search engine, such as Google.
2. Look for official book summaries or descriptions provided by publishers, authors, or reputable book review websites.
3. You can also visit online bookstores, such as Amazon or Goodreads, to read the book's synopsis or check out user reviews.
4. Additionally, check if there are any interviews, articles, or reviews written about the book or the author. These sources may offer insights into the plot and themes.

By seeking out these sources, you can access a variety of perspectives and summaries that will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of what "The Fugitive" is about.