ok I have found 2 websites now I need help answering these ?'s Discuss how modern civilization has impacted the spiritual lives of the indigenous peoples you explored. Are the indigenous religions still being practiced today?

If so, how have the practices changed over time? The websites I have found are these: Discuss how modern civilization has impacted the spiritual lives of the indigenous peoples you explored. Are the indigenous religions still being practiced today?

Dawn, I am having a hard time helping you. You haven't told us which indigenous people you explored. What did you learn from the websites you found?

In general, modern civilization has changed indigenous people's experience with nature and their age-old customs. By educating them about science and introducing modern technology, many of these people are confused about what new things to embrace and they wonder how to maintain their old religious beliefs.

If the history of Christianity is a guide, then probably indigenous peoples have combined some new ideas with some of their traditional ceremonies. For instance, our Christian holidays have some elements of ancient pagan customs -- ghosts on Halloween, and mistletoe and evergreen trees at Christmas. In fact, December 25 was accepted as Christmas, not because it was Christ's actual birthday, but because it could incorporate traditional winter solstice celebrations with the new religion of Christianity.

I was going to post the websites to show you what people I have picked but I can not post websites here w/o permission from someone on this site.



Be sure to go into the Further Reading links near the bottom of this webpage.

To answer the questions, you can follow these steps:

1. Review the information on the websites you found: Start by reading the content on the websites you discovered. Pay attention to any specific examples or discussions about modern civilization's impact on the spiritual lives of indigenous peoples, as well as information on whether indigenous religions are still being practiced.

2. Look for relevant information: Look for specific examples, case studies, and anecdotes that illustrate how modern civilization has affected the spiritual lives of indigenous peoples. Note any changes in their practices, beliefs, or rituals as a result of modernization.

3. Compare information across different sources: If you have access to multiple websites, compare the information you find and look for consensus or differences in opinions. This will help you develop a more nuanced understanding and avoid relying solely on one source.

4. Consider other resources: Apart from the websites you found, consider exploring other academic sources such as books, journal articles, or reputable online databases to gather a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. This will help you find reliable and well-documented information.

5. Organize your findings: Once you have gathered enough information, make notes or create an outline to help you organize your findings. Categorize the impact of modern civilization on indigenous spirituality and note any changes you discover in the current practices of indigenous religions.

By following these steps, you will be able to answer the questions more effectively and provide a well-informed response. Remember, critical evaluation and cross-referencing information from reliable sources are essential for obtaining accurate answers.