wat duz liberal meen? sorrey about mi spelling. I just need too kno fore my english class.


Let's see if I can translate from gibberish to standard English:

What does "liberal" mean? Sorry about my spelling. I just need to know before my English class.

Is that what you meant to write?


This site has several excellent definitions.



No problem! I can help explain. The term "liberal" has a few different meanings depending on the context, but in a political sense, it generally refers to a broad ideology that supports individual freedom, equality, and government intervention in social and economic matters to promote social welfare.

To understand the concept of "liberal" for your English class, you can start by researching the origins and historical development of liberalism. Look for notable liberal philosophers, such as John Locke, who proposed ideas about individual rights and limited government power. Additionally, explore key liberal values like liberty, equality, and social justice. Understanding the historical context and values associated with liberalism will give you a better understanding of what it means.

You can also examine liberal policies and positions on various issues, such as healthcare, education, taxation, and civil rights. This will help you understand how liberalism translates into specific political stances and actions.

Lastly, consider reading articles or essays written by influential liberal thinkers or politicians. This will give you insights into their perspectives and arguments, helping you grasp the different facets of liberalism.

Remember, political ideologies can be complex and multifaceted. Exploring different sources and perspectives will help you form a well-rounded understanding of the concept of liberalism.