The sentence should be strong or weak,explain with a diagram.Please help

I think the sentence is weak

All dogs can bark. No bird that can fly can swim. So no dog can bark.
"A fallacy is, very generally, an error in reasoning."
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To determine whether a sentence is strong or weak, we can use a technique called Venn diagrams. Venn diagrams use overlapping circles to represent the relationship between different sets. In this case, we will use a Venn diagram to clarify the relationships between dogs that can bark, birds that can fly, and dogs in general.

Step 1: Draw two overlapping circles, one for dogs and one for birds.
Step 2: Within the dog circle, label one section as "Can bark" and another section as "Cannot bark."
Step 3: Within the bird circle, label one section as "Can fly" and another section as "Cannot fly."
Step 4: Since it is stated that "All dogs can bark," shade the "Can bark" section within the dog circle.
Step 5: Since it is stated that "No bird that can fly can swim," shade the "Can fly" section within the bird circle.
Step 6: Finally, determine if there is an overlap between the "Can bark" section of the dog circle and the "Can fly" section of the bird circle. If there is an overlap, it means there is a possibility of a dog that can bark and fly, contradicting the statement "No bird that can fly can swim." If there is no overlap, it means that no dog can bark, which supports the sentence "No dog can bark."

If you follow these steps, you will be able to visualize the relationships between the different sets and determine whether the sentence is strong or weak.