Math Riddle: Move only one number so 102=100. You may not eliminate or add a number.

Try moving 1 from 102 to 100.



10^2 Because 10x10 = 100 so thats why 102 = 100.

To solve this math riddle, we need to move only one number to make the equation 102=100 hold true.

Let's analyze the given equation: 102=100

We need to manipulate one of the numbers in a way that the equation remains balanced and equal.

Trying to change the number 2 to 0 would not work since that would change the original number significantly. Instead, we need to think of alternative representations of the number 2.

If we consider the number 2 as a square root (√) of 4, we can rewrite the equation as follows:

10^2 = 100,

Here, we moved the number 2 to the exponent position, making it the square of the base number (10) resulting in 100.

Therefore, the solution to the riddle is to move the number 2 to the exponent position as √4 = 10^2, giving us the equation 102 = 100.