Which character in A Scarlet Letter displays the most integrity? Why do you feel this way? Back up your answer with evidence from the story.

this one is tough cuz all of them could be

I believe that the character who showed the most integrity was Hester. She remained honest and true to herself. As a matter of fact, over the 7 years, Hester grew mature and wiser as a human. She contributed to her society. She stayed true to herself. She taught her daughter about morals and right and wrong.

This is an opinion question -- asking for YOUR opinion.

Here's a pertinent definition of "integrity" from Dictionary.com.

"1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty."

Which character do YOU think was the most honest and kept to his moral principles? You need to choose one of the characters and then support your reasons with evidence from the story.

ok with honesty both Hester and Dimmesdale portrayed the most integrity, if you are leaning towards Dimmesdale, Dimmesdale had the courage to reveal the truth, instead of continuing his life with concealing the truth, with Hester, she definitely shaped into a wiser person through the taunts of society and contributed to society through charity work to reflect her true image and intentions that people seem to see past and ignore. She stayed true to herself.

I'd say it had to be Hester since she was willing to face her consequences and bravely stand in embarassment (her entrance in chapter 2). She also made Pearl's life a priority and protected Pearl from being taken away by the governor (I don't remember which chapter but when Hester uses the "A" to defend why she should keep Pearl)

To determine which character in "The Scarlet Letter" displays the most integrity, we need to analyze the actions and motivations of the main characters. The novel presents several complex characters, each with their own flaws and virtues. Let's review the major characters and consider their integrity based on the evidence from the story:

1. Hester Prynne: Despite being ostracized for her adultery, Hester remains true to her personal values and convictions throughout the novel. She willingly accepts the punishment and wears the scarlet letter as a symbol of her sin, showcasing her integrity. She also takes responsibility for her actions and refuses to expose the identity of her lover, Dimmesdale. This demonstrates her integrity in maintaining her promise and protecting another person.

2. Arthur Dimmesdale: Although Dimmesdale initially conceals his role in Hester's sin, he gradually exhibits more integrity as the story unfolds. He feels genuine remorse for his actions and struggles with guilt. While he doesn't openly confess his sin, he eventually acknowledges it publicly by revealing the letter "A" on his chest during the climax of the story. This confession, though belated, shows his integrity and willingness to face the consequences of his actions.

3. Roger Chillingworth: As Hester's betrayed husband, Chillingworth is depicted as a morally ambiguous character. While he seeks revenge on Dimmesdale, his actions can be seen as lacking integrity since he uses manipulation, deceit, and torment to achieve his goal. Despite his medical knowledge and understanding of Dimmesdale's deteriorating health, he prolongs the suffering instead of revealing his true intentions. These actions suggest a lack of integrity on his part.

Considering these character analyses, Hester Prynne emerges as the character displaying the most integrity in "The Scarlet Letter." Throughout the novel, she remains steadfast, embracing her punishment without resentment and refusing to allow society's judgment to break her spirit. Her commitment to protecting Dimmesdale's secret further underscores her integrity.