i need to find 2 URL web sites dealing with indigenous culturals and/or religions. Then I need to discuss how modern civilization has impacted the spiritual lives of the indigenous peoples you explore. Are indigenous religions still practiced today? If they are how has the practices changed over time?


Here are many posts and responses for this very set of questions, previously posted on Jiskha. You should find information and websites in here.

Note: All websites have URLs; the URL is the website's address, usually beginning with http://...

Discuss how has modern civilization impacted the spiritual lives of the indigenous peoples you explored. (One Indigenous Religion per Website) Are these indigenous religions still practiced today? If so, how have the practices changed over time?

To find two URLs that deal with indigenous cultures and/or religions, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a search engine like Google.
2. Enter relevant keywords, such as "indigenous cultures and religions," "native spirituality," or "indigenous religious practices."
3. Browse through the search results and look for reputable websites or academic sources that specialize in indigenous cultures and religions.
4. Click on the links that appear to be relevant and explore the websites to ensure they provide the information you need.

As for discussing how modern civilization has impacted the spiritual lives of indigenous peoples, and whether indigenous religions are still practiced today and how they have changed over time, here is an explanation:

1. Modern civilization and its effects: The impact of modern civilization on the spiritual lives of indigenous peoples has been significant. Factors such as colonization, globalization, urbanization, and the spread of Western cultural norms have led to the erosion and assimilation of indigenous spiritual practices. For example, the imposition of Christianity by colonizers often suppressed or assimilated indigenous religions. Additionally, the destruction of natural habitats, the loss of traditional lands, and the disruption of traditional ways of life have also affected indigenous spirituality.

2. Indigenous religions today: Despite the challenges faced by indigenous peoples, many indigenous religions are still practiced today. However, the extent and form of these practices vary widely depending on factors like geographical location, political context, and cultural dynamics. In some cases, indigenous religions have been marginalized and survived only in remote or secluded areas. In other cases, indigenous spiritual practices have experienced a revitalization, often as a response to historical trauma and an effort to reclaim cultural identity.

3. Changes in indigenous religious practices: Over time, indigenous religious practices have undergone transformations as a result of contact with other cultures and adaptations to new environments. Some indigenous religions have incorporated elements from other faith traditions or have blended with syncretic beliefs. Others have evolved and adapted their practices to align with contemporary contexts while still maintaining core elements of their traditional spirituality.

By conducting further research using the identified URLs, you can delve deeper into specific indigenous cultures and religions, understand their unique experiences, and explore how their spiritual lives have been influenced by modern civilization.