SIMPLE SENTENCE-> Complex Sentence

How can i make a complex sentence, out of these sentences: Tom is a boy. He is eight years old. He goes to school in Philadelphia.

A complex sentence has one independent clause plus at least one dependent (subordinate) clause.

Here's one way to make this a complex sentence. I've underlined the independent clause and put the dependent clause in italics

Tom who is eight-years-old goes to school in Philadelphia.

Tom, who is eight, goes to a school in Philedelphia.

Industrial relations is increasingly being called employment relations or employee relations because of the importance of non-industrial employment relationship this move is sometimes seen as further broadening of the human resource management trend

To make a complex sentence from the given information, you can combine the three sentences into one. Here's an example of a complex sentence:

"Tom, who is eight years old, goes to school in Philadelphia as a boy."

In this complex sentence, we used the relative pronoun "who" to connect the information about Tom's age with the fact that he goes to school in Philadelphia. We also added the phrase "as a boy" to further describe Tom.