What was the major social issue back in the 1960s? Was it the rebellion against government - the hippie movement? Am I right or not? And if I'm not, then what was the major social issue in the 1960s?

Please don't direct me to any websites, I'd like a straightforward answer.


You've answered your own question -- or else you didn't phrase the question as you had intended.


So, you're saying the hippie movement was the biggest social issue in the 1960s? Yes? No?

No. The Civil Rights movement was the primary social issue of the 60's. The Hippies were only a part of that movement.

By the end of the decade, ending the Viet Nam war also became a major issue dividing America. So-called hippies were a part of that movement. Major civil rights legislation had been enacted by the end of the decade, with wide support.

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In the 1960s, there were several major social issues that garnered significant attention and sparked various movements. While the rebellion against government and the hippie movement were indeed prominent aspects of the era, they were not the only major social issue during that time.

One of the central social issues of the 1960s was the Civil Rights Movement, which aimed to challenge racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans in the United States. This movement advocated for equal rights and opportunities, including desegregation of schools, access to voting rights, and an end to racial discrimination in various areas of life.

Additionally, the Vietnam War was a crucial issue that divided American society and brought about widespread protests and anti-war movements. Many people opposed the U.S. involvement in the war and called for peace and withdrawal of troops.

It's worth noting that there were several other social issues that gained prominence during the 1960s, including the women's rights movement, the sexual revolution, the environmental movement, and the counterculture movements. These movements challenged traditional societal norms and advocated for various forms of social change.

Therefore, while the rebellion against government and the hippie movement were part of the social landscape, it is essential to recognize the broader context of social activism and the multiple issues that defined the 1960s.