In general on what stage of the writing process should you spend most of your time ?

Either prewriting or writing -- you decide.

When it comes to the writing process, it is essential to devote ample time to each stage to ensure a well-crafted piece. However, there is one stage that you should typically spend the most time on, and that is the revision stage.

Revision is the stage where you refine and polish your writing, ensuring that it is clear, concise, and effectively communicates your ideas to the reader. Here's a breakdown of the different stages of the writing process and why revision is crucial:

1. Pre-writing: During this stage, you brainstorm, research, and plan your writing. It involves gathering ideas, outlining, and organizing your thoughts. Spend enough time to create a strong foundation for your writing, but don't dwell on this stage for too long, as excessive planning can hinder progress.

2. Drafting: This stage involves writing your initial draft based on the ideas and structure developed during the pre-writing stage. Here, the focus is on getting your thoughts on paper without worrying too much about perfection. This stage should be completed reasonably quickly, aiming to capture your initial ideas.

3. Revision: This stage is where you should spend the most time. It involves reviewing your draft objectively, focusing on clarity, coherence, grammar, punctuation, and style. You should refine your ideas, reorganize paragraphs or sections, and eliminate any unnecessary or irrelevant information. This phase requires multiple passes, addressing both macro (overall structure) and micro (sentence-level) issues.

4. Editing: Once you have revised your piece and are satisfied with its content and structure, you move on to the editing stage. Here, the focus is on correcting grammatical errors, improving sentence structure, and ensuring consistent formatting and style. While editing is essential, it usually takes less time compared to revision.

5. Proofreading: This final stage involves carefully reviewing your work to eliminate any remaining spelling, punctuation, or formatting errors. Proofreading is necessary to ensure your writing appears professional and error-free. It is typically the quickest stage of the writing process.

While every stage of the writing process is important, it is during the revision stage that you have the opportunity to transform your draft into a polished, impactful piece of writing. Spending sufficient time revising will significantly improve the quality of your work.