Please check my answer thanks :)

In which sentence could you best use a semicolon?

1. If you ask me Jerry is a tennis whiz.
2. Lucy bought a new tennis racket and brought it home.
3. Sue loves tennis she plays everyday
4. When she is worried Mary eats a lot.

I picked #3

#3 is correct, yes.


To determine the sentence in which you could best use a semicolon, we need to identify two independent clauses (complete sentences) that are closely related and can be combined with a semicolon.

Let's analyze each of the sentences you provided:

1. "If you ask me Jerry is a tennis whiz." - This sentence consists of only one independent clause. There is no need for a semicolon here.

2. "Lucy bought a new tennis racket and brought it home." - This sentence also contains only one independent clause. Again, no need for a semicolon.

3. "Sue loves tennis she plays every day." - This sentence has two independent clauses, "Sue loves tennis" and "she plays every day." These clauses are closely related and can be combined with a semicolon. Great choice!

4. "When she is worried Mary eats a lot." - This sentence contains a dependent clause, "When she is worried," followed by an independent clause, "Mary eats a lot." Since the clauses are not independent, a semicolon is not appropriate.

Based on the analysis, you correctly identified #3 as the sentence where you could best use a semicolon. Well done!