What is the name for the bottom number of a factor.

The bottom number of a fraction is called the denominator.

In the fraction 2/3 -- 3 is the denominator and 2 is the numerator.

The name for the bottom number of a factor is the denominator. To understand this concept, let's start by defining what a factor is. In mathematics, a factor refers to a number that divides evenly into another number without leaving a remainder.

Now, let's consider a fraction, which is formed by two numbers separated by a slash: a numerator and a denominator. The numerator is the top number, and the denominator is the bottom number. In the context of fractions, the numerator represents the number of parts we have, and the denominator represents the total number of equal parts into which the whole is divided.

For example, in the fraction 3/4, the numerator is 3, indicating that we have 3 out of the total 4 equal parts. In this case, the denominator is 4.

Therefore, in relation to factors, the denominator is the number that indicates the total number of equal parts or divisions.