Which African society produced musical instruments as artwork? Ancient kingdoms, Ottoman Empire, Nomadic cultures, or Sedentary Farmers?

I believe that it is the Ottoman Empire.

The Ottoman Empire was not an African society. It was centered in Turkey in western Asia and ecompassed parts of Asia and Europe.

Process of elimination:

~~Ancient kingdoms - possibly - depending on which one(s) you're referring to - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_India (not in Africa); http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_egypt (?); http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_greece (not in Africa)

~~Ottoman Empire - no - not in Africa

~~Nomadic cultures - possibly - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomadic

~~Sedentary Farmers - no - this term is oxymoronic! Farmers don't sit around to do their jobs; they are very active people

What do you think?


ancient kingdoms

Actually, the correct answer is Ancient kingdoms. African societies that belonged to ancient kingdoms produced musical instruments as artwork. The ancient African kingdoms, such as the Kingdom of Kush, Kingdom of Axum, and Empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, had a rich tradition of creating musical instruments that were not only functional but also considered as works of art.

To find this answer, you can research the ancient African kingdoms and their artistic practices. You can start by looking up information about these kingdoms, their culture, and their artistic traditions. Additionally, studying the history of African musical instruments and their significance in these ancient societies would provide further evidence of how African kingdoms produced musical instruments as artwork.