Me and a partner have a country Guinea in africa and im supposed to find a lot of information on the type of houses and games that the guineans play . But i can't find a website that has that info. Can you help?

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Of course, I can help you with that!

To find information on the type of houses and games played in Guinea, I recommend following these steps:

1. Start with an internet search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
2. In the search bar, type "traditional houses in Guinea" or "Guinean architecture." This will help you find information and images of the different types of houses found in Guinea.
3. Next, search for "traditional games in Guinea" or "popular games in Guinea." This should yield results regarding traditional games enjoyed by Guineans.
4. Another helpful search term is "cultures and customs in Guinea." This can provide additional information on the daily life, traditions, and activities of the Guinean people, including housing and games.
5. Be sure to click on credible and reliable sources such as government websites, reputable news outlets, cultural organizations, or academic papers.

If you are still having trouble finding information on your own, there are alternative sources you can explore:

1. Visit your local library: Libraries often have resources such as books, encyclopedias, and magazines that cover various aspects of different countries and cultures.
2. Contact cultural organizations: Reach out to Guinean cultural associations or African cultural centers in your area. They may have resources, books, or even knowledgeable individuals who can provide insights into traditional Guinean houses and games.
3. Seek guidance from experts: Try reaching out to professors or experts in African Studies or Anthropology departments at universities. They might be willing to help with your research or direct you to relevant resources.

Remember, in-depth and accurate information might require a combination of sources and perspectives. Good luck with your research!