SCI 275 - Cindy, Monday, November 5, 2007 at 12:08pm

Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following: Provide a brief summary
differentiating conservation and preservation. Do you believe that humans can harvest
forest resources in an environmentally friendly way? Or, should national forests be left in
their natural state in which resources are not used to benefit humans? To which side are
you inclined? Provide specific examples from the Bridger Teton video as you defend your

conservation and preservation. Do you believe that humans can harvest

forest resources in an environmentally friendly way? Or, should national forests be left in
their natural state in which resources are not used to benefit humans? To which side are
you inclined? Provide specific examples from the Bridger Teton video as you defend your

To understand the differences between conservation and preservation, it is important to recognize their respective goals and approaches. Conservation refers to the careful management and sustainable use of natural resources, with the aim of ensuring their availability for future generations. This typically involves practices like regulated harvesting, reforestation, and the promotion of biodiversity. Preservation, on the other hand, emphasizes the protection and non-interference of natural areas, maintaining them in their undisturbed state.

As for the question of whether humans can harvest forest resources in an environmentally friendly way, the answer lies in finding a balance between sustainable use and preservation. It is possible to manage forest resources in a responsible manner, considering the social, economic, and environmental aspects.

National forests are a valuable resource, and their protection and utilization should be approached with careful consideration. While it is important to preserve certain areas within the forest ecosystem to maintain their ecological integrity, sustainable extraction of resources can also be beneficial. For instance, selective logging can be practiced, which involves carefully selecting individual trees for harvest, thus minimizing the impact on the overall forest health. The Bridger Teton video highlights the use of selective logging, which involves leaving high-quality habitat trees intact, promoting forest regeneration and biodiversity.

Another example from the video is the practice of controlled burns. These controlled fires are intentionally set to reduce the risk of larger, more destructive wildfires. They promote forest health by stimulating new growth, removing debris, and reducing the density of trees, thus decreasing the competition for resources.

Inclination towards a particular side, whether it is conservation or preservation, depends on individual perspectives and priorities. While preservationist ideals prioritize the protection of nature for future generations, it is important to recognize that responsible resource extraction can also contribute to sustainable development and benefit local communities. It is crucial to strike a balance by implementing sensible regulations and utilizing scientific knowledge to guide sustainable practices.

Overall, a comprehensive approach that blends conservation and preservation can enable humans to harvest forest resources in an environmentally friendly way, while ensuring the long-term health and sustainability of our forests.