I have to give a presentaiton tommorrow in school on what this person is wearing.

Gabriella is wearing a green wool hat with puffy balls on it. She is also wearing tall borwn leatehr boots with soft wool inserts they are called UGGS. The jeans she is wearing are a medium grey color denim material and the latest fashion. She is wearing a long sleeve white cotton shirt with the words " I love you" on the front. Finally, she is wearing an oversized green puffy down jacket with big buttons and a zipper front closure. The hood is lined in fur.

Hola, Sam. What have you done on this? If you do the work, I can help you. If I do it FOR you, that is not right! I hope you are still up as I'll not be on too much longer.


P.S. A word of caution. This vocabulary does not look like something you have had? Be sure you use the structures and vocabulary you have learned in class. If you write this out first in English and then try to translate literally (word for word), that is the WORST thing you can do. SIMPLIFY, using what you already know.


To prepare for your presentation on what Gabriella is wearing, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by providing a clear introduction about the purpose of your presentation. Explain that you will be describing the outfit worn by Gabriella, including details about each item of clothing.

2. Start with the description of the green wool hat with puffy balls. Talk about its color, material, and the decorative elements (puffy balls) that make it unique.

3. Move on to the brown leather boots with wool inserts known as UGGS. Describe their color, material, and mention how they are tall boots. Emphasize the wool inserts for added comfort.

4. Discuss the jeans next, focusing on their medium grey color and denim material. Highlight that they are considered the latest fashion, indicating Gabriella's trendy style.

5. Describe the long sleeve white cotton shirt and mention the words "I love you" printed on the front. Talk about the shirt's material, color, and the significance of the message displayed.

6. Finally, describe the oversized green puffy down jacket with big buttons and a zipper front closure. Mention the lining of fur in the hood as an additional detail. Emphasize the jacket's warmth and style.

7. To conclude your presentation, summarize the key details of each clothing item and highlight how they contribute to Gabriella's overall outfit.

Remember to use descriptive language, provide visual aids if possible, and engage your audience by explaining why these clothing items are significant or notable.