whats the chemical composition of steam?!?

Ice is H2O.

Liquid water is H2O.
Steam is vaporized water and is H2O.

The chemical composition of steam is actually quite simple. Steam is the gaseous phase of water, which means it is composed of water molecules in the form of water vapor. Water, or H2O, is made up of two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom.

To understand the chemical composition of steam, you need to know that it is formed when water undergoes a phase change from its liquid state to a gaseous state. This occurs when water is heated to its boiling point, which is 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) at sea level.

When water boils and turns into steam, the water molecules gain enough energy to break their intermolecular bonds and escape into the air as a gas. This phase transition occurs without any change in the chemical composition of the water molecules; they remain as H2O.

So, to summarize, the chemical composition of steam is the same as that of water - two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom, or H2O.