Build a majority circuit. Three inputs and one output. The vaue of its output is 1 and only if two or more of its inputs are 1, otherwise the output of circuit is 0.

Is the logic this?

If NOT( A and B), NOR A and C, NOR if A and D, Nor if B and C, NoR if B and D, NOR if C and D, then ouput=1 ?

or, you could use a counter circuit, counting inputs sequential (put a time delay for each).

Well it just is asking me to create a circuit with the three inputs and one output. Your logic seems correct, i just would like to clearify what i am to do, and and example of the output.

To build a majority circuit with three inputs and one output, you need to use logic gates. In this case, we can use two types of gates: AND gates and OR gates.

Here is the step-by-step process to build the majority circuit:

1. Start by connecting all three inputs (A, B, and C) to separate AND gates.
- Connect input A to an AND gate (AND1).
- Connect input B to another AND gate (AND2).
- Connect input C to a third AND gate (AND3).

2. Connect the outputs of all three AND gates to an OR gate.
- Connect the output of AND1 to the OR gate (OR1).
- Connect the output of AND2 to OR1 as well.
- Also, connect the output of AND3 to OR1.

3. Finally, the output of the OR gate (OR1) is the output of the majority circuit.

The logic behind this circuit is as follows:
- Each input is connected to its own AND gate, which will output 1 only if the input is 1.
- The outputs of the three AND gates are then combined using an OR gate, which will output 1 if any of the inputs are 1.
- Therefore, the output of the OR gate (OR1) will be 1 only if two or more of the inputs (A, B, and C) are 1, satisfying the condition for a majority circuit.

By following these steps and connecting the gates as described, you can build a majority circuit with three inputs and one output.