what weighs a thousand pounds on monday but weightless by friday??...please help

There's a riddle section at the bottom of the main Jiskha page: www.jiskha.com

random guess but an elephant because once it get to friday the elephant gets fried??????????????*lol*

Follow the Red Sea look up the star of Leo. When Leo look down to earth when the moon reflection on the water look down that’s when you see

Follow the Red Sea look up the star of Leo. When Leo look down to earth.when the moon reflection on the water look down that’s when you see

To find the answer to this riddle, we need to think about something that can "weigh a thousand pounds on Monday but is weightless by Friday." This riddle is meant to be a play on words that requires a bit of lateral thinking.

The key to solving this riddle is understanding that the weight being referred to is not physical weight, but rather the weight of importance or significance. So, think of something that can be of great significance or importance on Monday but loses its importance by Friday.

The answer to this riddle is "a shadow." On Monday, when the sun is directly overhead, shadows can be quite long and noticeable, giving the impression of being heavy or weighing a thousand pounds. However, as the week progresses, the angle of the sun changes, and shadows become shorter and less significant, ultimately becoming weightless or less noticeable by Friday.

So, the answer to the riddle is a shadow.