In my PowerPoint presentation, I am presenting a biography. The book has a title and subtitle. Should BOTH be underlined? Keep in mind, this is a PowerPoint

A book with a title and subtitle should appear like this:

Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation!

Note the colon (:) that separates the title from the subtitle.


I received an answer on another site that I should italicize. Which is correct?

In PowerPoint presentations, it is common to use formatting techniques to emphasize certain elements. Traditionally, underlining has been used to highlight text in printed materials, such as books or documents. However, it is not a common practice to underline text in PowerPoint presentations, as it can make the text appear cluttered and distracting on the screen.

Instead of underlining the title and subtitle of the book in your PowerPoint presentation, you can implement alternative formatting techniques to make them stand out. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Use Bold: Make the title and subtitle bold to give them prominence and make them visually distinct from the rest of the text.

2. Increase Font Size: Use a larger font size for the title and subtitle to make them more eye-catching.

3. Different Font Style: Consider using a different font style for the title and subtitle to make them visually distinct from the rest of the text.

4. Color: Choose a contrasting color for the title and subtitle to enhance their visibility.

Remember, the aim is to make the title and subtitle visually appealing and easily readable to your audience. Experiment with different formatting techniques and choose the one that best suits your presentation's style and theme.

To format your PowerPoint presentation, you have several options for emphasizing text like the book's title and subtitle. Underlining text is a classic way to indicate emphasis, but it may not be the most visually appealing choice for a PowerPoint slide. Here are a few alternatives you can consider:

1. Bold: Instead of underlining, you can use the bold font style to make the title and subtitle stand out. This will make the text visually prominent without cluttering the slide with underlined text.

2. Larger font size: Increase the font size of the title and subtitle to create visual emphasis. A larger font size helps the text stand out and draws the audience's attention to the key information.

3. Different font style: Use a different font style, such as a sleek and bold sans-serif font, for the title. This change in font style alone can make the title visually striking and distinctive without the need for underlining.

4. Text box or shape: Consider placing the title and subtitle within a separate text box or shape. You can use a contrasting background color or border to distinguish the title and subtitle from the rest of the content.

Remember, the overall design and aesthetic of your PowerPoint presentation should guide your formatting decisions. Choose a method that aligns with your visual style and complements the content of the biography presentation.