Hi I need help I am finding my topic quite difficult. I am the 1st speaker for affirmative team with the topic: That in life there are more snakes than ladders." Its a difficult research/investigating topic, so I'm not sure what to say, and how to do my research.

Please help soon!

Surely you are not taking the topic title literally. I doubt seriously if the debate is about snakes, or ladders.

What if I paraphrased the title to

" In life there are more obstacles to be overcome than easy opportunities for growth. "

Would that be the topic? Years ago I had the priviledge of attending a saturday seminar at Clairmont College with a very famous person leading it. I remember many things from him, but one in particular. He stated his theory of human motivation: That people were motivated by two and only two things, the need to avoid pain, and the need to grow.
Is is possible that snakes represent pain, and ladders the opportunity to find growth?
Good luck.

Snakes and Ladders is a children's game.

generally for ages 4-11
You can find it at this site:

I wouls suggest you play it once to see what the point is.

BobPursley is correct, the snakes are problems(difficulties) to be solved; the ladders are opportunities to be taken. And that is what life/growing is all about. At any age the problems and opportunities are different and we grow as a person as we meet, make decisions, learn from these challenges.
More snakes than ladders.....hmmmm, my opinion, <G> it depends on the kind of snake. A problem can be a real pain, but it can also be an opportunity to grow...soooo since every day presents new "problems" then there probably are more snakes, but they aren't all BAD ones. Just look in nature... we really need those nifty green garden snakes...even those they make us squeal.

Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it!!!

Sure, I can help you with that! It sounds like you have an interesting topic for your debate. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you research and prepare your arguments:

Step 1: Understand the topic
Make sure you have a clear understanding of what the topic means. In this case, "That in life there are more snakes than ladders" implies that there are more negative or challenging experiences in life compared to positive or favorable ones.

Step 2: Identify key arguments
Think about the main points you want to make in support of the topic. For example, you could argue that there are more challenges, obstacles, or negative events in life that people have to face. You may also consider discussing the impact of these challenges on personal growth or success.

Step 3: Gather evidence
To support your arguments, you'll need evidence and examples. Start by looking for reputable sources such as books, articles, or studies that discuss the challenges people commonly face in life. You can also search for personal stories or anecdotes that illustrate the prevalence of obstacles. Make sure to take notes and keep track of your sources for citation later.

Step 4: Organize your arguments
Create an outline or a structure for your speech. It should have an introduction, body paragraphs for each argument, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point, supported by evidence and examples.

Step 5: Practice your speech
Once you have your outline, start practicing your speech. This will help you become more comfortable with your arguments and ensure that you can deliver your points effectively during the debate.

Step 6: Anticipate counterarguments
Consider potential counterarguments to your points and brainstorm ways to address them. This will help strengthen your arguments and show that you have considered multiple perspectives.

Remember to speak clearly, confidently, and maintain good eye contact during your speech. Good luck with your research and debate!