If I have info. that fits into distinct catergories and want to compare totals what kind of graph should I use? A bar graph?


I'd say, yes -- a bar graph would be good for this; it's also versatile enough that you can make multiple comparisons, if you wish.


graphs of horse heroes

Yes, if you have information that fits into distinct categories and want to compare the totals, a bar graph would be an appropriate choice. A bar graph displays data using rectangular bars, with the length of each bar proportional to the value it represents. The categories are typically presented on the x-axis, while the corresponding totals or values are shown on the y-axis.

To create a bar graph and compare the totals, follow these steps:

1. Determine the distinct categories: Identify the different groups or categories that represent your data. For example, if you have sales data for different regions, the categories might be the names of the regions.

2. Gather the data: Collect the relevant data for each category, including the total values or quantities you want to compare.

3. Determine the appropriate axis: Decide which variable you want to represent on the x-axis (categories) and which variable you want to represent on the y-axis (totals).

4. Draw the axes: On a graph paper or using software (such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets), draw the x-axis and y-axis, labeling them accordingly.

5. Plot the bars: For each category, draw a rectangular bar starting from the x-axis up to the value on the y-axis that represents the total. Ensure the width of each bar is the same.

6. Label and title the graph: Add appropriate labels to the x-axis and y-axis, as well as a title for the graph.

7. Interpret and analyze: Analyze the bar graph to compare the totals across different categories. It enables you to easily identify the largest or smallest values, spot trends, and make comparisons.

Remember that a bar graph is effective when comparing discrete categories and their corresponding totals or values.