What should i take for lunch tomorro?

i get hungry lots

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The answer depends upon what you have in the house to bring, whether or not you need refrigeration, etc. Along with soup, a sandwich, be sure to include fruit and a beverage = not soda!

take some almonds as a snack throughout the day.

As for lunch, take a balanced lunch = with some fruit for dessert, ex.an apple or pear or something of the sort. Main course could be something like a turkey sandwich on whole wheat, or on a whole wheat begal if you so choose. You could also add a cup of cottage cheese in there. They now have those little cups that come like some yogurt does, added with pineapple or strawberry, so that you don't have to worry so much about the flavour of the cottage cheese...if you have a problem handling the 'original' CC. You need the protein to keep you satisfied & to give you enough energy.
Sipping on straight water, generally cooler, will help with any undo cravings. According to studies, when you feel as though you are hungry you are more than often just in need of water.
Just don't snack on a load of sugar...that won't be of any help.

To decide what to have for lunch tomorrow, you can follow these steps:

1. Consider your preferences: Think about the types of foods you enjoy and what you're in the mood for. Do you want something light or filling? Are you craving a specific cuisine?

2. Evaluate your options: Check your pantry, fridge, or any meal delivery services you use for ingredients or meals that are readily available for tomorrow's lunch. Take note of any leftovers or fresh ingredients that need to be used soon.

3. Search for recipes: If you're looking for new ideas, you can search for recipes online or use a recipe app. You can find countless recipes by searching with specific ingredients, dietary preferences, or cooking time constraints. Pick a few recipes that catch your interest.

4. Consider your schedule: Think about the amount of time you have available to prepare lunch tomorrow. If you have a busy day, you may want to opt for quick and easy options, such as salads, sandwiches, or leftovers. If you have more time, you can consider more elaborate recipes.

5. Plan for nutrition: Make sure to include a balance of nutrients in your lunch to keep you energized and satisfied. Include proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables.

6. Personalize your lunch: Consider any dietary restrictions or allergies you have. Modify the recipe or search for alternatives that cater to your specific needs.

Ultimately, the decision on what to have for lunch tomorrow is based on your personal preferences, available ingredients, and any time constraints you have.