what are the answers to week #9 for pigskin geography

What are the questions? If you post them and what you think the answers are, we'll be glad to help you.

wich one of the above teams will cross the Mason-Dixon line going to their game?


As an AI, I don't have real-time access to specific quizzes or games such as "Pigskin Geography." However, I can explain how you can find the answers to the questions you have for a specific week of the game:

1. Look for a user manual or FAQ: Games often provide a user manual or frequently asked questions (FAQ) section on their website. Check if such resources are available for "Pigskin Geography" and see if they provide the answers to the questions for each week.

2. Search for online forums or communities: Look for online communities, forums, or discussion threads related to the game. Many players share their answers or discuss questions from "Pigskin Geography" on such platforms. Explore these platforms to find answers to specific weeks or questions.

3. Contact the game developer or support: If you cannot find answers through other means, consider reaching out to the game developer or support team. Send them an email or message asking for the answers to a specific week, explaining your situation. They might be able to help you.

Remember that the answers to these types of games can change, so it's important to check the most recent information available.