Hello. I'd like to find free videos for math on the Internet? By using Youtube can I search math videos for elementary school students? Would you let me know a good way to use free videos about various subjects on-line. Thank you.

I would avoid those, you are begging copyright infringement suits. Surely your school district has a policy on this, if it doesn't, I would be most surprised.

I mean free videos which are allowed to see on the Internet. There seem to be numorouse websites where we can see videos for free.

Hello! Yes, YouTube can be a great resource for finding free educational videos, including math videos for elementary school students. To search for these videos on YouTube, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the YouTube website or app on your device.
2. In the search bar at the top of the page, type in the keywords related to the math topic you're interested in, such as "elementary school math" or a specific math concept like "addition for kids."
3. Press Enter or tap the search icon.

This will generate a list of videos related to the keywords you entered. To find the most suitable videos for elementary school students, keep the following tips in mind:

1. Look for channels specifically dedicated to educational content for kids or students. These channels often have playlists or series dedicated to math topics for elementary school students.
2. Check the video duration and preview the content if available. Shorter videos (around 5-10 minutes) are usually more suitable for younger learners' attention spans.
3. Look for videos with clear visuals, simple explanations, and engaging content that makes learning fun for kids.
4. Check the comments and ratings to get an idea of the video's quality and whether it has been helpful for other viewers.

Aside from YouTube, there are also other websites that offer free educational videos, such as Khan Academy, TED-Ed, and National Geographic Kids. You can search for these websites and explore their video libraries to find videos on a wide range of subjects.

Remember that while online videos can be a valuable learning tool, it's always good to supplement them with other learning resources, such as textbooks or interactive activities, to deepen your understanding of the subjects.